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Test Drive Your Career


Work placements are obligatory at different stages of your school education. Have you ever asked yourself why? I have laid out the most important reasons why a work placement can change your life:

- obviously it is something great to put on your UCAS application forms, as it makes you stick out compared to other students taking Biology, Maths and English A-Levels, hoping to achieve an AAB. It shows the university who you are. If you are asked to come in for an interview, it will provide you with a lot of talking points as well

- the same applies for your CVs. How else are you going to be able to differentiate yourself from other applicants who have achieved similar results in school and/or university

- but most importantly it allows you to see a work environment that you aspire to from the inside. Think of it as a car test drive. You wouldn't buy a car without having a go at driving it first. So why concentrate all your energy in studying subjects that will help you gain access to your dream career, when in fact in might turn out to be the wrong career for you?!


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